Checklist: Is the insurance paid up? Yes.
Okay, let's get her up and in!
We do have a few critical things left to do before we sail her to the mooring field. We have to drill new holes for the stantions and put them in, fix the bow pulpit and fasten that on, replace the counter in the galley, and put in that new HEAD! We lost some time yesterday with Schyler's accident, but she's in, she floats and her engine started...all key things Libby and I were relieved about this morning. However, with Schyler out of commission it made us realize how key he is to getting things done. He just knows how to do everything.
Here's a peek at Blue 30 going in. Please excuse the quality...the photos were taken with my Blackberry.

Can't wait for that first real sail! WOO HOO!
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