And there she is in the water floating! It was a sweet sight to see. What made the moment even better was the fact the previous owner, Dave Penfield, was there to witness it. When he bought the boat some 17 years ago, he was never able to sail it due to the bottom not being in the greatest of shape. It began to sink as soon as he put it in the water. He started the restoration process by having a new bottom put on. He also started working on stripping the hull when the life took over and he could no longer spend the time to work on it. For years it sat in his garage and then in storage at The Sailboat Shop until Schyler bought the boat with the promise to restore it. In fact, Dave gave us the little photo album he put together when he bought No. 39 and there is a photo of the boat in almost the exact spot of where he initially launched her and found himself knee deep in water! I'm sure he was thrilled to see the boat here at the Regatta. Thank you Dave! She's still at the club so take her for that sail you never got! You deserve one! Also, as you wished, the money to buy the boat was donated to The Historical Society for the funds needed to build the Boat Museum on your behalf. They were thrilled!!!
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