Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Well, it's been a busy month for us here. We started off the month by going to the Annapolis Boat Show where we decided that we really want the 49' Hylas (last year the 46 was it).....just need about $750,000. Maybe we could find a used Hylas 49 or a Stephens 47(same hull) either way, here's a shot of one. Please note, if I had had one of my big cameras we would have been able to get a better photo. Lesson learned...big boat, big camera.

From Annapolis we went onto Boston where I had to shoot a wedding in Watertown at Commander's Mansion. Two words about Boston....'Obama Nation'! The wedding was great though!

Soon after coming home from our weeklong trip we took the Pearson on it's last sail of the season up to the club for crane day. It was an absolutely beautiful day.

Last, but not least, Kinsey & I spent a few days in Newport, Rhode Island to visit Roger Williams University where she would like to go in the Fall for college. We stayed at this great little place in Newport called the Jailhouse Inn. We had cell block 16. It was great spending time alone with my daughter. We had a blast. I hope she ends up at Roger Williams. Both Schyler and I would be there ALOT!

Well, it's late, I'm tired and I will post again soon!!!!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Hello, again!

Well it's been a crazy summer and I apologize for not keeping this blog up to date but I will hopefully from now on! Just a few pics from this summer after the Lightning Regatta. A week or so after the Regatta Schyler's nephews Sam and Ryan came spent the weekend with us and we all went sailing. Sam and Schyler actually spent the night on the Pearson and had a blast. Ryan came home with me and followed Keefe and his friend Jake everywhere. It was funny.

The summer has been busy this year and unfortunately we weren't able to do many of the things we wanted but still tried to relax. Kinsey and Keefe had another fun year at Sail School at SCC. Kinsey is in her senior year and in the process of doing her college applications and all that stuff. Why does it seem so complicated now? She has also started riding horses again at a stable right up the road. Hopefully next week we can go and get her driving permit! Finally, she has asked! Keefe is starting 7th grade and modified soccer.

Also in July Schyler and I took 5 days off and went on a little vacation to Mary Island in Alexandria Bay. We stayed on the point of this little island and had a completely private campsite which was awesome. We boated around the waters that I had never seen and ate fresh Northern Pike that Schyler caught with his fishing gear from 20 years ago. Ugliest things I ever saw, but so good!

In August, we did one of the Sandbagger Races with Kinsey and Keefe on the Pearson and then relaxed the rest of the day cooking hot dogs at the cove afterwards. As I type all of this I realized we did do alot this summer.....

Until the next blog post!