Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Day Four - Paint Stripping

Finally another warm day to start stripping the blue and green paint off the boat. We started with a water based product that ended up leaving a very thick and gooey layer on the bare wood. Impossible to simply scrub away with a scrubbie and warm water which was the intent. What a mess to clean up, so we stopped before going any further. Schyler ordered new stripper and once we get that we'll start the process over. Otherwise it was a learning experience for me since I have never done this before. Just love those mindless tasks...especially when there is a glass of wine waiting for me to enjoy in the sun.

Tonight, Schyler has (wait, I have to call him to find out the correct terminology, whole new language for me here), another project, which is digging out the screw head fairings. I have no idea what I just wrote or what it means. Poor guy, I know he shakes his head while thinking "Oh my God" as I ask these questions, but I am a very willing and eager intern and he knows I will eventually learn all this stuff.

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