Saturday, May 14, 2011

2004 | kinsey

My personal mission the past several months has been to organize all of my personal photographs into one location.  Going back to 2003 when I first went digital with my Nikon D100, I am amazed at how many photographs I have taken over the years.  I’m also shocked at how many remain tucked away in folders either on my studio hard drives, laptop, or my G4 tower at home.  They are all waiting to say hello again.

2004 brings me to a folder titled Shamrock B/W Series.  Inside I find the series of studio light portraits I did with my children when I lived on Shamrock Road here in Skaneateles.  Kinsey was only 12 when we took these, and now at 20 I still see these emotions in her.

Kinsey will be coming home next week after finishing her second year of college.  I think I will try to convince her to do a second series of black and white photographs.  I’m sure she’ll agree it’s time.
I love you McGrew, and I can’t wait to see that little beat up Saab come flying into the driveway.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

newport | part three

Just a little continuation of my graveyard stroll.  What completed amazed me was this little abandoned church within the cemetery that is obviously abandoned and something out of a Tim Burton movie. What a perfect place for the wedding of his Corpse Bride!  This is so up my alley!

my little nieces | sophie | part two

And then there is Sophie.  I'm not quite sure where to start with Miss Sophie other than to say that everytime I turned around, there she was.  She also kept a keen eye on  Keefe as well. I think she liked having us there. I cannot imagine what she would have done if Kinsey had been there too.  I can't wait to see them again!!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

my little nieces | part one | claire

This past Thanksgiving we made the big trip the Charlotte to spend the holiday with my brother and his family.  I honestly cannot remember the last time we all had Thanksgiving together.  I guess if you can't remember it means it was a long time ago. So, I just went through the edited images from that weekend and decided to do it's own little series.  I will start with Claire who is my brother's first born and who looks alot like him, and in the far right photo reallys looks alot like Kinsey when she was that age.  Same hair, same color.  I hope to see more of Claire and her peeps in Charlotte.  

I love you Claire.....and your father.  He is the best dad ever.  Love you too Alain.

newport | part two

Part two of my little afternoon alone in Newport turned out to be the best.  I don’t know about you, but I love old cemeteries.  This fascination dates back to my high school days when my friends and I use to hop the fence of a classmate’s backyard that backed up to an old cemetery. You could find us way up by the Parrott Mausoleum on any given weekend night.  Anyway, as you drive into Newport you pass by these really old cemeteries, and for the past few years I have always wanted to walk through them. This time I found the time.  Don’t take this the wrong way, but I was in Heaven just wandering around aimlessly amongst the rows of crooked tombstones.  Most of the stones in the oldest part date back to 1773, and were almost unreadable depending on what direction they were facing.  Time and weather have taken their toll.  Walking quietly amongst the abandoned souls from the 1700′s was actually quite beautiful and peaceful.  Next time I will plan better and wander amongst the slanted rows at night and see if I see something!  That would be beyond my wildest dreams.  I’ll make sure the Bug is running and ready to roll!

Hope I don’t freak anyone out.